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“more prepotent”
prepotent (adjective), more prepotent, most prepotent
1. Regarding something or an individual that is greater in power, influence, or force than another or others; predominant: Mr. Smith had a prepotent position with preeminent significance in the local firm in the city.
2. Concerning the quality of something which has great influence or superiority: The prepotent magazine in the country was noted for its fantastic photos throughout the world!
3. In genetics, descriptive of the condition of dominance in an animal, a person, or a plant: Peter's father evidently was the prepotent parent of the two, because Peter had brown eyes like his father and not blue eyes like his mother.
2. Concerning the quality of something which has great influence or superiority: The prepotent magazine in the country was noted for its fantastic photos throughout the world!
3. In genetics, descriptive of the condition of dominance in an animal, a person, or a plant: Peter's father evidently was the prepotent parent of the two, because Peter had brown eyes like his father and not blue eyes like his mother.
This entry is located in the following units:
poten-, pot-, poss-, -potent, -potence, -potency, -potential +
(page 6)
pre-, prae-
(page 13)